So, now that I've set out on my own from No Justice, I've taken some time off to recharge and prepare for my newest adventure, working on a solo album. It comes at a great time, because it's football season! Love watching some OSU football!
I got to experience OSU Homecoming this past weekend. It had been way too long. One of the best Homecomings in the Country in my opinion. Friday, Beki and I met some friends at Dirty's to "get ready" for Walk Around. For those of you who are not aware of what Walk Around is, I'll give ya a short explanation. All the Frats and Sororities team up to build "House Decks" (floats that are built on the lawns of the fraternities), and you walk around all the houses and enjoy the festivities. It always amazes me how detailed they can get with colored paper stuck in chicken wire.

After that, Beki and I headed to Gallagher-Iba for the Hoops and Homecoming ceremony. A double shot of Homecoming and Men's and Women's Basketball scrimmage. One of the best and most entertaining segments of the entire thing was the introduction of the Men's Basketball team and then watching them dance with the Pom's. Even Coach Ford got in on the action. They certainly play basketball better than they dance. Thankfully! Beki and the Poms had been working all week with them to get it looking good. Very fun. I'm looking forward to Basketball season, both team's look very much improved. Plus one of the Women's players can DUNK! That night we met back up at Dirty's with friends and ran into former Cowboy, Charlie Johnson, who now plays for the Indianapolis Colts. Was a great night and perfect ending to a fun day.

Saturday, was game-day, and my buddy Jordan Doolen, who was in the band 12 Pearls with me, came into town to go to the OSU-Missouri game with me. With such a late kick off set at 8:15, we had plenty of time to find people and tailgate. I've never really tailgated too much before.....it's fun, but it is so hard to find people in all that mess. There are people everywhere! We found a few friends and were able to catch up and have a few drinks, and then we headed on in to watch OSU beat Missouri. Great game and over all a fun game. OSU looks better and better every week. Go Pokes! That night Kit Nowlin also a member of 12 Pearls met us out at Dirty's and then we all hung out at the house until the early hours of Sunday morning.
What a fun Homecoming weekend. I was hurting almost the entire next week, but it was totally worth it.
Until next time....